Bingung linksys WRT54GL rusak, cuma bisa di ping doang, diakses via web gak bisa, ssh gak tembus, telnet gak tembus juga....
Gara-garanya, sebab ilang password, terus di flash pake tomato.trx dengan cara:
Route add default gw eth0
cd /tmp/
mtd -r write /tmp/tomato.trx linux
sampai langkah ini berhasil kan tuh...
nah abis tu... mau langsung timpa / upgrade ke dd-wrt, tapi malang bener nasibnya, tampaknya semua ok, tapi setelah reboot.... booom... ping lancar, web tidak ada tanda2 kehidupan, ssh gak konek, telnet juga hopeless....
Baru deh pake caranya pakde DD-WRT official:
- Disconnect the router from UTP cables (not the power cable).
- Push reset button for 30 secs.
- Without releasing reset button, disconnect power cord.
- Hold the reset button for another 30 secs.
- Replug the power cord.
- Still hold the reset button for another 30 secs.
- Release the reset button and give the router about 10 secs to resettle.
- Disconnect power cord for another 10 secs and then reconnect.
- All should be in default settings now.
This procedure is usually called 30/30/30 reset.
nah abis tuh, begini:
tftp -i PUT code.bin code.bin
oh iya, tftp.exe nya bisa diambil dari sini:
dah deh.... selanjutnya bisa ditebak...
everything is running well... legaaa....!!!!
eh.. ada yag lupa:
- mampir tomato.trx
- balik ke firmware asli bawaan linksys
- flash ddwrt v24-sp1 mini
- baru hajar DD-WRT v24-sp1 std