Friday, August 29, 2014

Magic (Dynamic) Virtual Host and Subdomain

Berikut ini cara membuat virtual host dan subdomain secara magic / dinamis.
Biasanya restart web server. contoh ubuntu -> service apache2 restart
Sekarang tidak perlu lagi restart webserver. Tinggal arahkan saja A Record pada Control Panel Domain ke IP address server.

Aktifkan dulu module berikut ini:
- vhost_alias
dengan cara :
$: sudo a2enmod vhost_alias

Buat symlink:

Bikin symlink biasa   -> ln -s {/path/to/file-name} {link-name}
Bisa AutoUpdate -> ln -sfn {/path/to/file-name} {link-name}

Magic Virtual Host:

$: cd /var/www/domains
$: ln -sfn /var/www/maheswara /var/www/domains/
$: ln -sfn /var/www/maheswara

Edit httpd.conf atau apache2.conf atau site-avalable/*.conf

NameVirtualHost *:80
UseCanonicalName Off
<VirtualHost *:80>
   VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/domains/%0
    <Directory /var/www/domains>
       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride All
      allow from all

Magic Sub Domain:

Kalau mau bikin magic sub domain harus ditentukan dulu domain utamanya.
Binggung juga sih, kalau virtual host dan subdomain dibarengin.
Belum nemu caranya. Mangkanya dibikin alternatifnya seperti dibawah ini.
Kalau kamu ketemu caranya tolong di share ya, di komentar bawah ini.. OK Bro?

Ini karena kedalaman subdomain sendiri berbeda.
misalnya :
- * ===> ini kedalaman level 3, maka ditulis %-3
- * ==> ini kedalaman level 4, maka ditulis %-4

Nah kalau yang ini perlu melakukan :ubuntu -> service apache2 reload
Tapi cuma sekali saja kok, yaitu ketika ada penambahan domain baru yang memerlukan sub domain secara dinamis/magic.
Oya, direktif ServerName gak usah di tentukan, karena sudah dikenali sama settingan di atas, dikasih pagar #ServerName, atau buang aja deh, biar gak ribet ngelihatnya...

<VirtualHost *:80>
  ServerAlias *
  VirtualDocumentRoot /var/www/domains/

Semoga bermanfaat.

Friday, April 18, 2014

15 Simple Ways To Get Confidence Back

Confidence is essential to survival. If you’re a man, you can’t even attract a mate without it, as women (and even gay men) are attracted to tenacity. There are times, however, when a devastating or unexpected loss can sap you of your poise. If you’re down, here’s how to get confidence back into your system so you’re ready to take on the world again.

1. Find Your Comfort Zone
Everyone has a comfort zone, whether it’s food, music, art, a favorite book, movie, TV show, a specific geographic location or group of people. Whatever it is that makes you feel comfortable, get into that zone. You’re not there to hide from your problems or dwell on them. You’re there to recharge; just like your muscles and mind need time to recharge, so does your mood. Take a staycation in your comfort zone to regain your composure.

2. Change Your Thoughts
Actively make a conscious decision to change your thought processes. Every time you doubt yourself, counter those thoughts with ways you can overcome. Remember most of your problems are in your head. That’s not to say they don’t exist – merely that you’re allowing them to affect you. Stand up to and for yourself, and you’ll learn ways to stand up to and for everyone else.

3. Smile Like You Mean It
A smile goes a long way. Even if you’re not fully sure of yourself, you’ll exude a sureness that encourages people to perceive you as a confident person. You’ll be seen as a leader rather than a follower, and things will be more likely to go your way. The media portrays Special Forces soldiers as killing machines, but one of their most used weapons is a friendly smile. Diplomacy is strong, so put a smile on your face, and make the world a better place.

4. Don’t Slouch!
Your posture and the way you carry yourself goes a long way in determining your appearance. If you’re slouched over, people assume you’re weaker. This is how nature works – every plant and animal species on this planet understands survival of the fittest, and you need to look like you’re fit. Make an effort to sit up and stand up straight and tall.

5. Take Baby Steps
Everything happens in steps. Don’t get discouraged if there’s no magical change that suddenly makes you confident. Focus on your path, and understand it’ll take baby steps to get where you want. You’ll soon be taking baby steps from confidence to full-on success in life.

6. Clean Yourself Up
Cleanliness is close to godliness (or so I’ve heard). Hygiene is vital to your confidence – it’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re stained, sweaty and smelly. No matter what your circumstances in life are, do your best to stay clean, as it’s the key to your confidence.

7. Face Your Fears
Everyone has a list of fears and phobias, although many don’t want to admit it. I’m afraid of snakes, spiders, heights, loss of control, drowning, the dark, other people, and just about everything under the sun. I’m even afraid of the sun since I have moles and have a high melanoma risk. These are natural fears that everyone has on some level or another – it’s a fear of death and the unknown. Face at least one of your fears. When you survive, you’ll be that much more confident.

8. Define Yourself
You are your present choices. Your past decisions and future aspirations determine how your present choices are perceived, but you are your present choices. Learn how to define yourself. Set your rules and boundaries and follow them. These are your morals and ethics, and they’re the foundation of who you are. Never forget that.

9. Embrace Mistakes
Looking back (even while it was happening), we judge Michael Jordan on his successes. People quote him as the greatest basketball player of all time and use his wins, championships and statistics to back it up. Jordan himself, though, reached that level by focusing on his failures. What drove Michael Jordan wasn’t the high from making a game-winning shot, it was the low of missing one.

10. Live In The Present
Learn to appreciate everything around you. By practicing gratitude, you’ll change your perspective. Instead of being upset about losing an important client or failing a test, you’ll be grateful for the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, and the people you love. Focus on the now, because it’s all you truly have.

11. Take Inventory
If you’re reading this, you also have a lot of secondary stuff, such as a computer, the Internet, the knowledge to use it, the ability to read. You have a lot of skills and resources available to you, even if they’re not the ones you wish they were. Figure out what you have, and find ways to use them.

12. Socialize
Talk things out with friends and family – they’re normally happy to help you regain confidence. If they (or lack thereof) are the reason you lack confidence, expand your social circle. Go to public places and interact with strangers. If you fail to make an impression or completely blow it, who cares? They weren’t in your life before, and you won’t miss them.

13. Play A Game
Video games are great for a lot of reasons, and gaining confidence is just one of them. In real life you may be a boring file clerk with a dead-end life, but in a video game, you can be whoever you want. Every video game console (as well as the majority of computer and mobile games) has achievements. Hunt down some easy wins to jumpstart your spunk.

14. Do Something Crazy
I’m a firm believer in spontaneity being the spice of life. Go out and do something you said you never would. When I reached a point in my life where it felt like nothing could go right, I jumped out of an airplane. As I fell through the air, I had several epiphanies that forever changed my life. No other decision in my life had more of a direct impact on my life than that one crazy act.

15. Try Again
If your lack of confidence is caused by failure, pick up and try again in any way possible. It doesn’t have to be immediately – you can practice, learn and evolve prior to trying again. This time, however, go in as an experienced veteran who took a few licks and got back up stronger, faster and smarter than before.

It’s easy to lose your confidence. Unexpected things happen, and you can very easily find yourself on the short end of the stick. Even though it seems like you’re the only one it’s happening to, we all experience inequalities and failures. Stick it out, and you’ll eventually get the confidence it takes to succeed.


12 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do

I think some people confuse self-confidence with having a big ego. It’s almost like they think that if they love themselves, then other people will think that they are stuck-up and unlikable. I couldn’t disagree more. I always say that truly confident people don’t need to go around telling people how great they are because they don’t need to. People automatically notice their greatness from their positive behavior. Here are things that highly confident people just don’t do:

1. They don’t judge or make fun of other people.
When someone is confident, they want you to be confident too. Confident people are loving people. They want to lift you up, not tear you down.

2. They don’t seek attention for the sake of attention.
They may have an outgoing, life-of-the-party personality, or they might be quiet and shy. But even if an extrovert has high self-confidence, they don’t need the attention. They are fine if they receive it, but they don’t go actively seeking outside validation because they have already validated themselves. And that’s all they need.

3. They don’t brag about their accomplishments.
Confident people are proud of their accomplishments. And they truly want to help people. But they do the things they do because they have passion for it. They don’t have a “Look at me! Look how awesome I am!” attitude.

4. They don’t spread negative energy.
People want to be around them. They ooze positive energy. Contrary to the “energy vampires” of the world who do nothing but suck the life out of you, confident people add to you; they don’t take away.

5. They don’t only talk about themselves.
Confident people are genuinely concerned about others, not just themselves. They ask questions. They offer suggestion and advice if they are asked. They make conversations and relationships a two-way street.

6. They don’t over-complicate things.
They don’t make mountains out of mole hills. Confident people try to act calmly and rationally for the best of all concerned. Sometimes that includes simplifying things so that problems can be solved with a “team” mentality, not a “me vs. you” mentality.

7. They don’t focus on what they don’t want.
If you only focus on what you don’t want, you’re only going to get more of what you don’t want. Confident people know that. They look at the bright side and have a grateful heart. They set goals, hold up a positive vision of their desire, and then they take action and go after it.

8. They don’t act full of themselves.
Confident people never project an attitude. Instead, they project kindness and warmth. They smile and laugh. They want you to feel good about yourself, instead of telling you how great they are.

9. They don’t break their word.
When someone breaks their word, it disappoints other people. Confident people know this. They don’t want other people to feel bad. Their intention is to lift up other people, so they make sure they do everything they can to do what they say they are going to do.

10. They don’t shy away from failure.
Highly confident people know that there really is no such thing as failure. There are only learning opportunities. And when the failures, or learning opportunities, come along, they know that they will be better for it. They don’t judge themselves negatively. They simply say, “thank you for the lesson” and move on.

11. They don’t waste time on things that don’t matter.
Confident people know what really matters in life. People matter. They prioritize time to spend with loved ones because it’s what life is all about. They also don’t sweat the small things. They put things into perspective and have an appreciation for everything.

12. They don’t focus on the negative.
Generally speaking, confident people are optimists. They are happy. They look at what is good, not what is bad. They focus on what can go right, not what can go wrong. They don’t dwell in negativity. Instead, they see the positives in every situation.


15 Things Highly Confident People Don’t Do

Highly confident people believe in their ability to achieve. If you don’t believe in yourself, why should anyone else put their faith in you? To walk with swagger and improve your self-confidence, watch out for these fifteen things highly confident people don’t do.

1. They don’t make excuses.
Highly confident people take ownership of their thoughts and actions. They don’t blame the traffic for being tardy at work; they were late. They don’t excuse their short-comings with excuses like “I don’t have the time” or “I’m just not good enough”; they make the time and they keep on improving until they are good enough.

2. They don’t avoid doing the scary thing.
Highly confident people don’t let fear dominate their lives. They know that the things they are afraid of doing are often the very same things that they need to do in order to evolve into the person they are meant to be.

3. They don’t live in a bubble of comfort.
Highly confident people avoid the comfort zone, because they know this is a place where dreams die. They actively pursue a feeling of discomfort, because they know stretching themselves is mandatory for their success.

4. They don’t put things off until next week.
Highly confident people know that a good plan executed today is better than a great plan executed someday. They don’t wait for the “right time” or the “right circumstances”, because they know these reactions are based on a fear of change. They take action here, now, today – because that’s where progress happens.

5. They don’t obsess over the opinions of others.
Highly confident people don’t get caught up in negative feedback. While they do care about the well-being of others and aim to make a positive impact in the world, they don’t get caught up in negative opinions that they can’t do anything about. They know that their true friends will accept them as they are, and they don’t concern themselves with the rest.

6. They don’t judge people.
Highly confident people have no tolerance for unnecessary, self-inflicted drama. They don’t feel the need to insult friends behind their backs, participate in gossip about fellow co-workers or lash out at folks with different opinions. They are so comfortable in who they are that they feel no need to look down on other people.

7. They don’t let lack of resources stop them.
Highly confident people can make use of whatever resources they have, no matter how big or small. They know that all things are possible with creativity and a refusal to quit. They don’t agonize over setbacks, but rather focus on finding a solution.

8. They don’t make comparisons.
Highly confident people know that they are not competing with any other person. They compete with no other individual except the person they were yesterday. They know that every person is living a story so unique that drawing comparisons would be an absurd and simplistic exercise in futility.

9. They don’t find joy in people-pleasing.
Highly confident people have no interest in pleasing every person they meet. They are aware that not all people get along, and that’s just how life works. They focus on the quality of their relationships, instead of the quantity of them.

10. They don’t need constant reassurance.
Highly confident people aren’t in need of hand-holding. They know that life isn’t fair and things won’t always go their way. While they can’t control every event in their life, they focus on their power to react in a positive way that moves them forward.

11. They don’t avoid life’s inconvenient truths.
Highly confident people confront life’s issues at the root before the disease can spread any farther. They know that problems left unaddressed have a way of multiplying as the days, weeks and months go by. They would rather have an uncomfortable conversation with their partner today than sweep an inconvenient truth under the rug, putting trust at risk.

12. They don’t quit because of minor set-backs.
Highly confident people get back up every time they fall down. They know that failure is an unavoidable part of the growth process. They are like a detective, searching for clues that reveal why this approach didn’t work. After modifying their plan, they try again (but better this time).

13. They don’t require anyone’s permission to act.
Highly confident people take action without hesitation. Every day, they remind themselves, “If not me, who?”

14. They don’t limit themselves to a small toolbox.
Highly confident people don’t limit themselves to Plan A. They make use of any and all weapons that are at their disposal, relentlessly testing the effectiveness of every approach, until they identify the strategies that offer the most results for the least cost in time and effort.

15. They don’t blindly accept what they read on the Internet as “truth” without thinking about it.
Highly confident people don’t accept articles on the Internet as truth just because some author “said so”. They look at every how-to article from the lens of their unique perspective. They maintain a healthy skepticism, making use of any material that is relevant to their lives, and forgetting about the rest. While articles like this are a fun and interesting thought-exercise, highly confident people know that they are the only person with the power to decide what “confidence” means.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Why the Future of Digital Marketing Is Pure PR

Industry commentators have been keen to sound the death knell for traditional SEO in the wake of recent updates (and full-on algorithm switch-outs) from Google.
It's arguable that they have good grounds to make such dramatic claims. In its never-ending battle to have its search spiders behave more like humans, the big G has increasingly moved away from rewarding those who tick the boxes on technical elements and has instead placed a growing emphasis on social signals and quality content.
However, I'm of the opinion that although SEO is here to stay, its evolution will lean toward the more traditional practice of public relations (PR) in the coming years. In this article I'll try to…
  • Back up this claim by looking at industry statistics
  • Put forward a case as to why PR can be highly complementary to SEO
  • And, above all, offer some suggestions about how marketers can capitalize on this trend

Facts and Figures
As I noted, Google wants its robots to behave more like a human when displaying search results. Accordingly, the general consensus among the experts is that more weight is being placed on factors such as inbound links and Google +1s. The way that personalized results are being rolled out to more and more users, and the introduction of Authorship, are further indications of that trend.
Similarly, the changes are aptly summed up in the search giant's recently revised guidance on how webmasters can improve the ranking of their websites: "In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by creating high-quality sites that users will want to use and share."
And that's exactly where PR excels. Once you have the technical elements down, the focus switches to consistently producing valuable, shareable content that appeals to your key audiences—a task that traditional PR agencies have reams of experience in.
But don't just take my word for it. In the UK at least, marketers are plunging more and more resources into bolstering the online profile of their brands via PR. For instance:
  • The Public Relations Consultants Association recently found that 72% of PR agencies are now offering SEO services.
  • The most in-demand services were content creation, outreaching/engaging with influencers, and social networking strategy.
  • More than 60% of agencies have increased their digital marketing budgets, with a particular focus on monitoring, SEO, content creation, and PPC/online advertising.
  • Compared with 12 months earlier, agency revenues from digital sources have increased significantly.
  • Businesses in Britain are increasingly devoting resources to social media; though most of them are keeping this activity in-house, a significant portion are splitting responsibility for social with an agency or completely outsourcing altogether.
  • In the vast majority of cases, responsibility for content creation and social media is handled in-house by the PR and communications team.
  • There's also growing confidence in the ROI gained from social media, with levels nearly matching those of traditional PR activities.

Why PR?
One oft-quoted anecdote about the difference between marketing and PR goes something like this:

"You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: 'I am very rich. Marry me!' That's direct marketing.
"You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says: 'He's very rich. Marry him.' That's advertising.
"You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, you open the door (of the car) for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride, and then say: 'By the way, I'm rich. Will you Marry Me?' That's public relations."
As this unwieldy metaphor demonstrates, "traditional" PR activities are all about emphasizing the interesting aspects of a business and crafting a profile that positions it as a trusted authority in its field and engenders both recognition and trust among target audiences.
Unlike an agency or in-house team focused exclusively on search, social, advertising, or marketing, PR can encompass all of those disciplines, taking a holistic view of a brand's profile and crafting a multichannel campaign designed to positively influence.
Creating content people want to use and share is a given with PR. Activities such as media relations, events, crafting corporate communications, and even drafting press releases with a view to attracting as much media coverage as possible stand as analog versions of modern digital tactics such as blogger outreach, guest posts, and social media networking.
Traditional PR activities map extremely well to digital marketing activities, giving a brand or business something to talk about on the Web and the means to attract coverage in offline as well as online publications.
Link-Building and Press Releases
Google now frowns on aggressive linkbuilding or widespread guest posting campaigns that intend to manipulate page rank.
Fortunately, the time-old media relations tactics employed by PR agencies in generating coverage translate fantastically into the digital arena. Those methods allow companies to earn high-quality coverage from reputable, relevant news sites—many of which happen to have great domain authority and other favorable linkbuilding qualities—enabling sites to ethically gain inbound links while simultaneously bolstering their profile.
Google's updated advice on linkbuilding was forecast to cause something of an uproar in the PR world in regard to press releases and other types of promotional content posted across multiple sites and stuffed with links.
Despite the hyperbole, the death of PR agencies never really materialized. Online press release directories and sites willing to host such content are undoubtedly valuable resources, but if your agency's strategy to attract coverage is to fire these out en-masse, without much thought towards targeting, it's safe to say they're doing it wrong.
Cashing In
So now that we've established just what PR can bring to the digital marketing table, what are the best ways for marketers to put the methodology of public relations to use in the online arena?
1. Offline and online activity complement each other
Content creation is one of the key struggles for businesses branching out into the world of digital. However, by ensuring that offline and online activities complement one another brands can ensure they have plenty to talk about via both channels.
Live-tweeting and sharing goings-on from relevant networking events, industry conferences, and speaking opportunities should be your bread and butter approach to raising your profile within your community, as well as helping you look like you've got your finger on the pulse of your sector.
On the flip side, if you've already secured a guest spot in a relevant print, TV, radio editorial, or speaking event—be sure to capitalize on it via your online assets.
2. Bolster your media relations
PR has long been about quality over quantity. Agencies and individuals are often hired and fired based on their reach within relevant press circles. Digital marketers should attempt to emulate PR practices with a view to building long-term relationships with offline and online publications, bloggers, and journalists that can provide valuable sources of coverage time and again.
However, don't succumb to the temptation to revert to the fire-and-forget methods of days gone by... and so abuse these relationships. Get to know the assets in question, what they'll be interested in, and what they avoid like the plague. In short, be useful to them, and they'll reciprocate in spades.
3. Make the most of your content
By using your site as a hub for quality content relevant to your industry and offering insightful comment on pressing issues, you have the potential to attract social shares, online coverage, and guest-posting opportunities on relevant sites (which will generate more of those precious inbound links).
But the fun doesn't stop there. Promoting your quality on-site content can get you noticed by the people who matter, leading to the possibility of print coverage and participation in real-world interviews, editorials, and events—not to mention the prospect of new business from parties you've attracted through blogs, whitepapers, videos, and the like.
PR itself can also have a direct impact on traffic to your site. HubSpot's Lindsey Kirchoff claims that the company always sees a spike in branded traffic following a concerted campaign. So, in addition to promoting your events online, make sure you're trumpeting your online presence when engaging in real-world activities.
4. Join relevant industry communities and discussions
And if they don't exist yet, get them started. Platforms such as LinkedIn and Google+ are among the best tools for finding and developing relevant communities; they also offer you a chance to showcase your expertise to those looking for advice or guidance.
The Bottom Line
PR is in no way a silver bullet for your SEO woes, or your lack of social media profiles. As with any sustained marketing effort it takes hard work, collaboration, and regular review to realize a successful PR campaign.
However, savvy digital marketers who use the methodologies of public relations in a sustained and strategic manner across the board can reap a potential world of benefits.

Read more:

Monday, March 31, 2014

5 Things About Owning a Start-Up They Don't Teach in Business School

In college, I did everything I thought would prepare me for owning my own business. I majored in Business Administration and minored in Entrepreneurship, both suitable options for reaching my goal. But when starting my company at the ripe age of 24, I soon realized the reality was far from what I'd imagined within those classroom walls. Don't get me wrong, business school was undeniably worth it and has been incredibly helpful, but there are some things a curriculum cannot teach! I did learn business basics (through hours of reading textbooks and case studies), how to work constructively with others (through tedious group projects), and had my fair share of practical internship experience (which at the time I did to boost my resume and now realize how much they've helped in the long run). However, through the pages of overly highlighted text, inevitable group project drama, and unpaid internships, I wasn't prepared for the non-academic hurdles of how to actually run my own company.

Without any guides on how to mentally handle my new start-up, I dove right in head-first and found myself "doggy-paddling" my way through, trying to keep my head above water. Fast forward nearly two years and I've learned invaluable lessons that have given me a more comprehensive understanding of how to manage a business. For fellow eager entrepreneurs, the following are 5 tips I've learned that I wish were taught to me in business school:

1. Just do it. For the young dreamers out there in your 20s or 30s, there is no better time to take risks because later on in life you may not have the time or energy. Remember that fear of the unknown (like running a new business) gets in the way of possible successes for many people, but once you just do it, you will look back and realize it wasn't as difficult as you imagined.

2. Surround yourself with encouraging people. This is one lesson I've learned that has made a tremendous difference for me. Without the positive, encouraging support from my family and friends, I may not have been able to emotionally get through some difficult challenges. As with any start-up, there are always ups and downs, so having a positive support system is vital.

3. Don't hire a "yes person". I learned this when I hired my first employee, though I was lucky because I didn't have to learn this particular lesson the hard way. My first employee was not a "yes person." Instead, she challenges me to help make the company better. If she agreed with everything I said and did, we wouldn't grow. She has her own opinions and is honest, but still respects me as a boss. Hiring her is one of the best things I've done so far to help my company.

4. Do what you love. Though cliché, this advice is crucial because when working towards a mission you feel wholeheartedly connected with, it doesn't even feel like work! Before starting my current business, I was trying to start my own clothing company, but it didn't take long for me to realize I had no real passion for it. Now with my current company, I love what I do and look forward to helping people build healthy lifestyles and a more sustainable planet.

5. No such thing as failure. Henry Ford said it best: "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." It's not a failure if you learn from your mistakes. The same goes with criticism. Accept all types of it, make necessary changes, and keep moving towards your goal of improving your company.

I would be lying if I told you that owning your own business is easy, but the truth is it's also not as hard as you might think. While I've had the inevitable outbursts of tears and moments when I've wanted to give up, I've also had countless occasions where I've laughed, literally jumped for joy, and done victory dances! It's these ups and downs and obstacles I've faced that have brought me to where I am today; I welcome future challenges as opportunities for me and my company to grow stronger.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

9 Hal Penting Agar Sukses Menjual

Bisnis adalah menjual. Sebagus apa pun suatu produk tanpa berhasil menjualnya maka bisnis itu tidak akan berhasil. Masalahnya, tak semua pebisnis bisa menjual.

Dalam artikelnya di, konsultan Steve Tobak, menyebutkan, hanya ada sembilan hal penting untuk sukses menjual.

Menjual itu maraton bukan sprint. Jadi, jangan berharap bisa sukses dalam sekejap. Menjual adalah proses yang kadang memakan waktu lama.

Harus terus menjual. Bagaimana pun baiknya respons investor, partner potensial yang akan bergabung, atau besarnya dukungan komisaris, jangan pernah berhenti untuk menjual. Sedikit saja lalai terhadap masalah ini, akan kehilangan peluang terbaik untuk sukses.

Buatlah “ya” pada pilihan yang logis dan emosional. Transaksi penjualan tidak begitu saja terjadi. Di dalamnya ada serangkaian proses yang mendahuluinya seperti menumbuhkan hubungan (relationship), mendengar untuk menentukan kebutuhan konsumen, investasi waktu dan sumber daya untuk membangun keyakinan. Jika semuanya dilakukan dengan benar, mengatakan “ya” menjadi pilihan yang logis dan emosional.

Yakinlah ada kesempatan rilCold calling (menelepon atau mengunjungi calon pembeli tanpa perjanjian dulu) sering kali dianggap buang-buang waktu baik bagi penjual maupun calon pembeli itu sendiri. Jika kita mengidentifikasi bahwa calon pembeli itu potensial, maka cold calling perlu dilakukan.

Ketahui lawan bicara kita. Jika akan bertemu dengan prospek, ketahui siapa dia sebenarnya, apa yang memotivasinya, apa perannya, dan sebagainya. Ini penting agar strategi kita masuk akal.

Jangan terlalu keras mencoba membangun hubungan pribadi. Ini boleh jadi merupakan kesalahan terbesar banyak pengusaha kecil. Tentunya kita ingin membangun hubungan, tetapi jika mencoba memiliki hubungan pribadi terlalu cepat, justru akan berisiko karena akan dianggap terlalu bersemangat atau menyerang ruang pribadi mereka. Sebaiknya perhatikan dan bereaksilah pada isyarat, nada, dan bahasa tubuh mereka.

Jangan tunjukkan betapa cerdasnya kita. Sering kali ada godaan untuk menunjukkan betapa kita pintar dan mengetahui banyak hal di hadapan calon pembeli (klien) sehingga seolah-olah kita ingin memenuhi ruangan itu dengan suara kita. Sesungguhnya, konsumen itu tidak peduli seberapa hebatnya kita. Yang mereka butuhkan adalah apakah kita bisa memberi solusi pada masalah mereka. Karena itu dengarlah mereka.

Beri sedikit, dapatkan sedikit. Menjual adalah permainan memberi dan mengambil. Maka berilah sedikit, ambillah sedikit, dan ulangi, ulangi, dan ulangi lagi. Jika kita paksakan agar mereka membeli banyak, begitu mereka bilang “Tak tertarik”, maka habislah kesempatan itu.

Tak perlu berlatih. Alih-alih berlatih saat akan menghadapi seseorang, sebaiknya sederhanakan bahan yang akan dipresentasikan, ketahui siapa yang akan kita hadapi, kemukakan rencana yang masuk akal, ajukan banyak pertanyaan, dengar baik-baik setiap jawabannya, dan sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

9 Things Great Leaders Say Every Day

Your words are among your greatest tools. They're a window into your vision, your values and your abilities. So, whether you're running a giant organization or just trying to herd a group toward a certain outcome, there are messages you need to communicate constantly in order to lead effectively.
Start every day planning to say each of these things to at least one person, and watch the results:

1. This is the situation.

People want to know what's going on. Odds are, they'll find out anyway, or worse, fill in the gaps with conjecture. When you keep important things excessively close, you sap morale, rob yourself of your team's insights, and make people feel undervalued. Sound crazy to let them in on everything? Walmart founder Sam Walton did it for decades, and he did okay.

2. Here is the plan.

A leader is supposed to lead. People will offer great suggestions, especially if you're saying and doing everything else on this list, but you need to be able to make decisions and stand behind them. Your team needs to know where you're trying to take them, and how. Also, don't forget the crucial corollary: You need to be able to say "no," especially to moves that would be inconsistent with your plan.

3. What do you need?

This is crucial for two reasons. First, people need to know that you care about them on personal and professional levels, and that you want them to succeed. Second, if you've put together a great plan, you need to leverage every person's abilities to the maximum extent possible. If they are not able to give it their all, you want to know why.

4. Tell me more.

Let people know you're more interested in finding good answers than hearing yourself speak. Give others implicit permission to share their opinions--or heck, invite them explicitly, if you have to. Staying quiet is an invitation for others to offer ideas and insights.

5. Remember our values.

You can't possibly stare over the shoulder of every person making decisions that affect your organization, but you can remind them to make choices that the rest of their team will be proud of. Reminding people of your values requires, of course, that you can actually articulate shared values.

6. I trust you.

If you can't trust the people on your team, then they shouldn't be on your team. You need to trust their integrity, their judgment, their confidence and their passion--and you need to ensure that they understand how much you depend on them.

7. You can count on me.

The flip side of that last point is true as well. If your team can't trust you, they shouldn't do you the great honor of letting you lead them. So tell them you've got their back, and then work like hell to fulfill the promises you make.

8. We can do better.

One of the toughest, most crucial parts of leadership is to push your team to a higher standard than they might set for themselves. That means congratulating them when they do well, but also not coddling them when they don't live up to their potential. It also means admitting when you fail to live up to those standards, too.

9. Let's celebrate!

Don't create a culture in which the only reward for great work is more work. Instead, make it a practice to celebrate your wins, both large and small. This can mean big parties and bonuses, but it can be just as important to call people out for great work and congratulate them for their milestones--both professional and personal.